When measured against the performance of traditional offerings, the benefits of modern identity security services are unparalleled. Manual-only controls, lack of analytics, and siloed features are the hallmarks of woefully outdated IAM which is the worst mark on the security posture of an organization. Vulnerable to breaches across its broad attack surface, outdated IAM system is a goldmine of opportunity for even a mildly competent hacker.
Modern IAM solutions remediate many of the flaws in older security doctrines. However, your enterprise will still be vulnerable to determined bad actors when IAM is not managed the way it should. A focused IAM service team enables you with the end-to-end protection capable of fending off the worst hackers can throw at you. Understand the advantages of identity security services as an IAM leader to make the critical investments in tools and support that keep systems safe.
Traditional Security Vs. Modern
A reliance upon manual controls characterizes outdated and insecure IAM systems. All major functions from onboarding to deletion require a human component. In the world of cybersecurity, there are more fallible weak points than a human. Institution of minimal verification steps attempts to mitigate the high friction of such systems for both users and overseers. The system gives a single entry of password and username with no additional authorization requested. Bad actors snatch these credentials from unwary users through social engineering scams or even deduce them from social media information.
Most modern IAM solutions come packaged with appropriate safeguards enabled by automation. Authorization methods such as MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), Captcha, and Risk-Based Authentication are increasingly familiar to the average online user. Such controls evaluate and flag suspicious activity, making popular hacking methods like DDoS or brute force much harder. The best modern IAM solutions shuts off potential avenues of infiltration by automatically curating orphaned accounts. Modern IAM also makes identity recover smoother and boosts customer experience by automating self-service access requests.
One of the most important features of modern identity security services are IAM service teams. These identity technology experts not only monitor ongoing functions of an IAM solution but also advise on an optimal implementation strategy. From ideal identity tools to best practices, these teams provide the critical insight into how an enterprise can maximize their ROI for both user experience and security.
How Identity Security Services Counter Hackers
Identity security services address the flaws of outdated systems and go further in their ability to enable secure operation. Vikram Subramanian, Vice President at Simeio, explains that “automated onboarding implements the principle of least privilege directly while accelerating processes. Users only have the exact access they need and automatically get that access removed as soon as it is no longer needed.” Both features eliminate attack vectors wholesale.
IAM Service also bolsters the user’s privacy through identity proofing methods. These include securely verifying identities, transmitting limited specific data, and instantly accessing systems. IAM Services can enforce simple rules like password policies or suggest passphrases, protecting against social engineering and credential theft. The very best IAM solutions bundle cutting-edge passwordless authentication with IAM, meaning there is no longer a credential to steal. Risk assessment programs analyze and flag suspicious activity, locking them out or demanding secondary authentication.
Threat detection programs get eyes on an active breach as soon as it emerges. Top tier identity security services will also launch a session recording, giving an exact picture of what a bad actor is getting up to. This is not only ideal for observation but also enables forensic analysis and provides answers to the 6 IAM security questions.
Identity Security Services Start and End with the User’s Unique Policy
All IAM functions depend on IAM being backed up by the most vital service an IAM team can provide: institution of an intelligent policy. Attempts to shoehorn a one-size-fits-all solution into multiple enterprises will meet with disaster. Every IAM must be tailored to the unique needs of the client service, hence why analysis and advisement are so important to the IAM process.
IAM posture relies on the user’s policy, charting out the variables and “if-then” contingencies the system is likely to encounter and enabling primary and compensating controls. Primary control entails a user requesting access and the IAM checking a “what if” analysis. It then compiles any violations that might occur so the approver can make an informed decision. A compensating control regularly launches reviews to re-validate that the user still requires access.
Intelligent policy can only come from an intelligent provider. Partnering with an IAM service provider offers a one-stop-shop for all features, provisioning, authentication, cloud security, and analytics. We combine identity proofing and passwordless safeguards into our platforms to ensure your systems are as close to impenetrable as possible. Customers can subscribe to any of these modules and integrate seamlessly, with no separate solutions segregating features and a single-pane user interface.
Learn how Simeio’s IAM Services can boost your efficiency while strengthening security.