Infographic - Fulfill your Benchmarking Objectives with Identity Orchestration

Once your maturity benchmarking session is done, you need to move on to implementation of the lessons learned. Perhaps your internal team might attempt the herculean task of pursuing each objective on their own. However, this route is costly, requires a huge time commitment, and is unlikely to be either future-proofed or secure. As such, few options for pursuing your benchmarking objectives match the capability of identity orchestration.

This platform condenses your tech stack from potentially thousands of applications into a single platform. Additionally, an identity orchestration tool provides a unified pane to view all functions of your systems. This view provides the best possible means of achieving your benchmarking objectives. By monitoring associated KPIs, enabling critical accessibility features, and collecting vital data for audits and cybersecurity purposes, identity orchestration becomes your best choice for a successful follow-up to your benchmark.

How Does Identity Orchestration Achieve my Benchmarking Objectives?

Single Sign-On: Single sign-on (SSO) is such a useful feature that it has become nearly ubiquitous amongst identity solutions. SSO lets users authenticate their identity a single time and thus gain secure access to all linked resources. This results in an enhanced user experience at considerably reduced risk.

The Simeio Identity Orchestrator (IO) brings your identities and permissions onto a single unified platform. Thus it benefits all users: customers, partners, and internal employees.

Role-Based Access Control: Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is one of the most crucial building blocks of modern mature cybersecurity. This security paradigm manages users by assigning them with the minimum permissions possible needed for their roles. This cuts down on potential attack surfaces and thus greatly reduces the chance of bad actors to breaching a system.

Simeio’s IO executes on its RBAC functions through a centralized and real-time monitored system. This ensures accurate role management and supports compliance.

Identity Governance and Administration: Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) is one of the key pillars of IAM, and a critical component of usage rights management. IGA solutions enable identity management at all stages of their lifecycle. This runs from the first provisioning, to access changes, and finally to privileges removal. Without diligent curation, your enterprise leaves accounts with more access than they should have, thus compromising RBAC and potentially breeding orphaned accounts.

Simeio’s IO ensures that this never happens. By automating key IGA functions, the platform minimizes unauthorized access risks and strengthens overall identity management.

Identity Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: All other functions are crucial for day to day functions. But for long term success, daily analytics must be collected for both auditing and usage analysis. Consequently, this function is perhaps the most important for succeeding at benchmarking objectives. Modern identity analytics incorporate adaptive programs, more commonly known as artificial intelligence (AI). This enhances security by detecting anomalies, streamlining access management, and informing decision-making.

The Simeio IO helps enterprises receive the maximum benefits from identity analytics. The tailored monitoring delivers actionable insights for cybersecurity and business objectives. This in turn improves operational efficiency to achieve greater IAM maturity.

Infographic - Fulfill your Benchmarking Objectives with Identity Orchestration