Infographic - The 10 Most Common IAM Mistakes

IAM Mistakes are expensive and far too common. But by familiarizing yourself with the most common identity mistakes you are most likely to make, you stand a much better chance of avoiding them. Perhaps you are a CISO looking to revamp your identity fabric or a C-suite executive laying the groundwork of a digital transformation. In either case, there’s numerous pitfalls you can avoid with just a little bit of foreknowledge. This resource seeks to inform you of where people go wrong, so you can get it right.

Avoid Common Identity Management Mistakes with Simeio

The ten mistakes listed in our infographic are not unique to any specific industry. They appear everywhere from financial firms to hospitals. Decision-makers have a duty to identify their most pressing issues. Then, they must choose the best solution. 

No IAM Governance – A lack of IAM Governance leads to inefficient and oftentimes unsecured onboarding, especially for third party onboarding. Simeio’s governance solutions leverage an expert assessment alongside automated policy enforcement. This helps ensure that not only are immediate issues resolved, but also headed off for the future.

No Executive Buy-in – Getting the resources necessary for effective identity management oftentimes serves as a major roadblock. Simeio helps overcome this through an entry-level IAM Maturity Benchmark at a low cost. This allows CISOs to get an accurate picture of their identity needs and the steps necessary to address them. The benchmark can even scale up into full implementation following C-suite approval.

Lack of IAM Experts – Without sufficient coverage from identity teams, your enterprise cannot hope to keep pace with emerging threats, much less stay competitive with your peers. A Simeio team resolves this issue by “airdropping” a pack of experts right into your project, giving you exactly what you need when internal employees need a helping hand.

Incomplete IAM Implementations – The problem with hackers is their innovative efforts to breach your systems. A Simeio team brings a broad yet experienced perspective, allowing them to anticipate emergent hacking tactics before they are inflicted against your users. 

Unreconciled Sources of Identity Authority – One of the most common identity management mistakes with the biggest impact is a lack of a central identity administration solution. Simeio’s Identity Orchestration strategy does not only bring all related applications and identities onto a single platform. It also ensures that policy enforcement gets backed by both proper authority and extensive automation.

Political Infighting Over Data Privileges – Similar to the previous item, political infighting finds scarce fertile soil in a Simeio-backed solution. By consolidating your tech stack into a single unit, your unified provisioning and permissions apparatus provides employees with a single source of truth.

Lack of Established Change Management – Oftentimes, a CISO or similar technical role must cobble together solutions as best they can. This usually means they have little to no standardized methodology, making future changes more difficult than they have to be. Simeio not only catalogues every step along the way of your digital transformation, but implements automated usage tracking. This proves invaluable not only for internal bookkeeping, but also for compliance and audit requirements.

Analysis Paralysis – It is a difficult thing to finally get a clear view of what your enterprise needs to succeed, yet be unable to proceed. Fortunately, a Simeio identity benchmark can scale directly into a deployment. This deployment comes with a fixed roadmap, fixed costs, and full transparency on how each change benefits your enterprise.

Dirty Data in New IAM Systems – Not curating orphaned accounts, maintaining inaccurate information, and wasting resources on unnecessary processes. These are symptomatic of one of the worst yet most common identity management mistakes. Simeio tackles these issues head-on and works to futureproof your systems against their future emergence.

Unrealistic IAM Roll-out Plans – Even worse than a tendency to never enact change is the proclivity to make things worse by trying to do too much. A Simeio action plan keeps goals realistic while still driving your business forward towards your optimal identity management platform.