Managed IAM for Business: Enabling Enterprises Through Identity

Managed IAM has emerged as the spearhead of effective data systems, proving itself as the convergence of cybersecurity and digital information use. The magnificent strides taken by major enterprises from international banking to critical healthcare services bear out such lofty assertions. Yet managed IAM and identity in general remain unrecognized and underutilized in the greater information services sphere. Only now is the importance of identity breaking into the public consciousness.

The trends of information control spell out a clear message. Managed IAM sets the basis for convenience, security, and efficiency in the modern stage of the information age. By adopting the new paradigm of identities as the basic unit of data management, your enterprise becomes master of its user experience, security policies, and platform performance. However, before you can embark upon this necessary identity transformation, you need to understand what an enterprise should aim to achieve with managed IAM services.

Frictionless Managed IAM

Every user of any system wants an experience untainted by hiccups, errors, and delays. Enterprises often make the mistake of only focusing on customer experience when they should be bringing a better platform to all users. Not only do B2B, B2C, and B2P all benefit from a better user experience, but the performance of one feeds into the results of the others. Consolidation of your identities into a single secure seamless IAM solution makes access frictionless and secure.

Consider secure onboarding as an example of this principle in action. Effective managed IAM services use next-generation application onboarding to speed up the process and ensure accuracy. A combination of automation, expert advisement, and handpicked technologies ensures the process is smooth and interruption-free. Similarly, user onboarding, whether workforce, customer, or vendor, stays secure with accurate provisioning and provides an exceptional experience for users. Since account creation serves as the first contact customers have with an online service, this elevates their initial impressions considerably.

Managed IAM services extend beyond smooth implementation. Ongoing operations within a well-managed IAM framework shed irksome audit troubles, siloed functionalities, and obtuse governance. By putting the identities, privileges, and records of an enterprise under a single automated IGA umbrella, you gain full control over all your IT functions from risk management to remediation.

Faultless Managed IAM

One of the fascinating and fundamental paradoxes of managed IAM comes into play when discussing the interplay between user experience and security. Prior to the advent of modern identity management, CISOs had to compromise between security and usability. Boosting the importance of one led to a deficit in the other. However, through a combination of automation, zero trust practices, and interconnected systems, managed IAM makes systems more secure at the same time it makes them more accessible.

The top-down and automated structure of managed IAM services enables instant answers on the 6 critical IAM security questions. Through the single pane view, CISOs know the exact who got access, when they got it, and how they got it. Additionally, they know who authorized the access, whether the access is privileged, and how it is being used. Instant answers to these questions allows for swift remediation. This enables shutting down breaches and potentially flagging inappropriate access before it becomes a problem.

Organizations are starting to understand that business security starts with identity as they begin their digital transformations. The zero-trust model, emblematic of cutting-edge data protection, forms an integral part of any competently implemented managed IAM solution. Even if you choose not to implement critical methods like passwordless authentication, the structure of your IAM service ensures that it can be added in when you’re ready. This scalability is the cornerstone of success.

Flawless Managed IAM

Performance must be the ultimate deciding factor when assessing the ROI on a data management investment. The performance of properly implemented managed IAM has no equal. Understand that, within this context, performance differs from experience (how the performance gets delivered) and security (how performance avoids unwanted side effects). The solutions and functions a managed IAM service delivers owe their performance to a single king factor: intelligent scalability.

Scalable solutions must be planned for well in advance, hence the inestimable importance of the IAM roadmap. Experts from the contracted IAM service chart out the restructuring of an existing platform or of an all-new system. The map identifies existing or potential gaps from data quality issues, process changes, or technologies. IAM touches all these elements that are an integral part of the business process of any organization.

Whether a few hundred or a few thousand identities make up your identity fabric, the scalability remains a reliable constant. A well-chosen IAM service never tries to straitjacket your needs into a one-size-fits-all solution. The need for identity in organizations demands a bespoke set of solutions tailored to vision you have for your business at the end of your digital transformation. Select the proper managed IAM offering and ride the oncoming wave of identity and access management to victory.

Don’t delay in finding your ideal managed IAM service provider. Speak to a Simeio identity advisor now and start your digital transformation.